Tyler, The Creator adquire colar com seu rosto avaliado em R$ 1,1 milhão

  • Por Jovem Pan
  • 11/12/2019 09h04 - Atualizado em 11/12/2019 09h05
Reprodução/Instagram Peça retrata alter ego de cantor e usou diversos diamantes coloridos

O rapper Tyler the Creator, de 28 anos, não fez modéstia na hora de presentear a si mesmo com um colar de ouro 18 quilates cravado de diamantes coloridos.

Quem mostrou a peça foi o designer de joias Ben Baller, proprietário de joalheria de luxo IF & Co. O colar foi avaliado em US$ 275 mil (cerca de R$ 1,1 milhão).

A joia retrata Igor, alter ego de Tyler, caracterizado por usar uma peruca loura de cabelo tigelinha e óculos escuros. Diamantes brancos, azuis, pretos, marrons e até cor conhaque foram usados na confecção. “Igor” foi escrito atrás da peça, enquanto um “T” foi gravado no fecho do colar.

Veja a joia abaixo:

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Today felt like a good day to shut down the internet. FYI: You can’t just book me to make you a piece. Out of 100 people who ask, I say NO 100 times. I have to super fuck with you to get down on a piece in this day. T has never got a piece from anyone else. This is my last piece of 2019. My last piece of this decade. So I knew I had to fucking crush it. I’m not even gonna get into specifics. Just know it’s heavy as fuck. Made out of 18K gold and has a lot of cognac, chocolate, blue, black and white diamonds. The gradient levels of brown to match T’s skin tone and especially when different shades of light hit it? 🤧. The overall aesthetic and how you can kinda see the curvature of the nose but also can’t see it. This is why I can’t just make that Mickey Mouse shit you see all over Instagram. A shout out will not get you a better price. It will get you blocked from ever getting work from me. Thank you T for always trusting me. Even though I hate your guts in person, but I also LOVE YOU! I have seen you grow into something insane. Congrats on all your success. You deserve it 100% Luck had nothing to do with where I am today, this was all meant to be. #IGOR #BenBallerDidTheChain #IFANDCO

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