Após perder liminar contra Dr. Luke, Kesha ganha apoio de outros cantores
Na tarde da última sexta-feira (19) aconteceu a primeira liminar do processo que Kesha move contra seu antigo produtor, Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald, o Dr. Luke, a quem ela acusa de abuso sexual, físico, verbal e emocional durante quase uma década de contrato.
Por insuficiência de provas, o juiz determinou que ela terá de permanecer sob o contrato dele com a Sony Music, pelo menos, até 2017, quando ocorrerá a audiência oficial. Liberando apenas que trabalhe com outras pessoas, mas dentro do mesmo selo.
Assim que o resultado foi divulgado, a cantora foi às lágrimas na Suprema Corte de Nova York e o caso tomou conta das redes sociais, sensibilizando fãs e outros cantores, que declararam apoio em mensagens carinhosas com a hashtag #FreeKesha.
Confira aqui as postagens:
My heart is with @KeshaRose. ?
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) 19 fevereiro 2016
standing with @KeshaRose through this traumatic, deeply unfair time. send good vibes her way everyone
— Lorde (@lorde) 19 fevereiro 2016
really disappointing to hear about this kesha case. no one should be denied freedom from their abuser, nor freedom of their creativity.
— ac (@alessiacara) 19 fevereiro 2016
There are people all over the world who love you @KeshaRose. And I can say truly I am in awe of your bravery.
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) 19 fevereiro 2016
Disgusted by anyone in power positions abusing their authority. My heart breaks for Kesha and all people affected by this toxicity. Fuck.
— HALSEY (@halsey) 19 fevereiro 2016
My thoughts are with @KeshaRose today. I’m sorry you’ve had to endure this experience.
— lily (@lilyallen) 19 fevereiro 2016
If you don’t see why this Kesha issue is a big deal, you’re part of the problem. This is exactly why I speak up the way I do #FreeKesha
— Best Coast (@BestCoast) 19 fevereiro 2016
Trying 2 not say anything since I can’t say anything nice about a person… so this is me not talking about Dr. Luke https://t.co/lLhtUHbmgG
— Kelly Clarkson (@kelly_clarkson) 19 fevereiro 2016
I send you love ❤️ @KeshaRose
— Sara Bareilles (@SaraBareilles) 19 fevereiro 2016
The system has failed us on multiple occasions. We’re human before anything else.
— Normani Kordei (@NormaniKordei) 20 fevereiro 2016
My heart is heavy for @KeshaRose today and for every day she feels unsafe in her escape of music. Fuck this legal system #freekesha
— Lauren Jauregui (@LaurenJauregui) 20 fevereiro 2016
Im not accusing anyone of anything, but i believe Kesha deserves the ability to move forward, create and earn a living.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) 20 fevereiro 2016
This Kesha drama is insane! Sony been wildin’. They dropped me 4 days after I told them I was pregnant. Couldn’t imagine this though.
— digi-kreay (@KREAYSHAWN) 20 fevereiro 2016
As HORRIBLE as this situation is with kesha, it’s so nice to see so much of the Internet coming together to support her #freekesha
— Ricky Dillon (@RickyPDillon) 19 fevereiro 2016
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