Ator de ‘Skins’ revela sofrer de ansiedade, depressão e TOC

  • Por Jovem Pan
  • 03/04/2019 15h46
  • BlueSky
Reprodução/E4 Mitch Hewer interpretou Maxxie Oliver em "Skins"

O ator Mitch Hewer, conhecido por interpretar Maxxie Oliver na primeira geração da série britânica “Skins” (2007 – 2008), revelou sofrer de ansiedade, depressão e transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC).

Em um post no Instagram nesta terça-feira (2), Hewer falou sobre sua batalha contra as doenças e disse que sua insegurança o fez se afastar das redes sociais. “Tinha alguma coisa me incomodando e minha habilidade de ser criativo sumia dia após dia. A insegurança tomou o lugar da minha confiança e minha autoestima foi desaparecendo”, explicou, dizendo que depressão e ansiedade foram os motivos pelos quais ele se sentiu assim.

O artista confessou que a depressão e a ansiedade podem ter sido causadas por frustrações em sua vida. “Eu passei por mais frustrações na minha vida pessoal e rejeições no trabalho do que podia lidar. A única coisa que eu pensei em fazer foi me esconder, então fiz isso”, disse.

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For many years now people always ask me why I stopped posting, being active online or why I stopped my YouTube channel and decide to hide. The answer is something had been creeping up on me and my ability to be creative started to lack more and more every day, insecurity took the place of confidence and my self belief and self esteem slowly drifted away. Those things that had been knocking on my door were depression and anxiety. I had experienced more set backs in my personal life and more rejections from work than I could handle. The only thing I knew what to do was to hide away, so I did. I always thought I needed to be in a better place, be more successful, be further in my career, be happier, look perfect, That I should have Accomplished more by now. I would question myself with “why are you not happy like everyone else?”. I put so much pressure on myself. Over time I picked up another mental health problem, one I do not wish upon anyone, OCD. I still struggle with it every day. It would stop me leaving the house, always being late for things, hiding away from being scared of something not being “right”. These things still try to taunt me everyday and try to question why I’m here and what I’m doing. But I’ve finally decided to stop listening to those voices. Don’t get me wrong, this didn’t happen over night, wasn’t as easy as turning off a light, it took a very long time. I’d been in a dark place, the darkest. So to fast forward to right now, I am not perfect, I am far from perfect and in all honesty I don’t wanna be perfect anymore, it was exhausting. I realised there’s a reason to be here. Life is a beautiful gift, you just have to let yourself see it. Acknowledge the small things that bring you joy in each day, Don’t look for happiness because you will fail, just notice the little things that make you smile and feel alive. Then Happiness will find you. Take the bad times and understand the lesson they give you, then move forward from yesterday, live every second of the now and if tomorrow comes.. thank your god for the best present one could give. Time. It’s the only thing worth any value. So here’s to new beginnings ??❤️ #mentalhealth

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Depois de “Skins”, Mitch Hewer protagonizou a série “Britannia High” na TV britânica, em 2008, e participou de “Casualty” entre 2016 e 2017. Ele fez apenas dois filmes: “Tudo para Ficar com Ela”, de 2014, e “Nightlight”, de 2015.

  • BlueSky


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